Update Your Profile

The public information in your directory listing and the contact details PEN has on file for you are separate. Changing your profile does not change your contact information, and vice versa.

Create or Edit Your Directory Listing

To create a new listing in our searchable member directory, click here to create your profile and fill out all the information you would like listed. In order to prevent duplicate entries, new listings are approved by an administrator before they appear in the directory; you will receive an email notification when yours is live. Most listings are approved within 48 hours. If you have been waiting five days or more for approval, email webmaster@pensite.org to check on the status of your submission.

To edit an already published listing, visit your listing and click the Edit button that appears near your information. (On your individual listing page, this appears at the top of your listing. In search results, it is at the bottom of your listing.) Any changes you save will show up immediately. You can also permanently delete your listing using the Delete button that appears here. You will be asked to confirm deletion before it is made permanent.

Want to make your profile the best it can be? Check out our blog post about 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Directory Listing. You can also read the insider’s guide to the PEN directory published in the December 2020 issue of Networking News.

When you leave PEN, your profile will be removed from the directory.

Change Your Member Contact Information

Has your contact information changed since you registered or renewed? Ensure you receive membership renewal notices, copies of Networking News, and important PEN announcements and retain access to the PENchat discussion list by submitting your new email address, mailing address, phone number, or name here.

If you recently renewed your membership and submitted new contact information at that time, we already have your change on file—you do not need to submit this form. If you’re not sure what information we have on file for you, contact membership@pensite.org.

PEN uses only one email address per member for its records, meaning you will use the same address to receive newsletters and notices, interact on PENchat, and log in here on the website—so if you update your address below, it will be updated across all those channels. However, you can list a separate email address in your public-facing directory profile.