A white woman with short reddish brown hair smiling against a forest background.
Topaz Editing & Literary

Hi, I’m Lindsay.

I am an editor and writer living in Williams Treaty territory in central Ontario. My pronouns are she/her, and my background is in English literature (University of Guelph). I am a graduate of Simon Fraser University’s Editing Certificate.

I love language, story, grammar, etymology, and the Oxford comma. I like nothing more than to work with words in order to find their perfect flow and meaning. My professional editing clients include ECW Press, Ivey Publishing, The Collaborative Summer Library Program, Cloud Lake Literary, Northern Ontario Writer’s Workshop, Haliburton County Public Library, and Juniper Editing & Creative.

I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Editing Professionals (CIEP) and I adhere to their code of practice.

What Kinds of Manuscripts I Work On

Fiction (short fiction, novellas, and novel-length works). Genres/subgenres after my heart are: literary, speculative, whodunits, hopepunk, queer romance, myth & fairy tale retellings, magic realism, and anything that genre-bends and remixes the above! I do not work on hardcore/extreme horror, grimdark, or Christian fiction.

Creative nonfiction and memoirs. Bring me your essays, your memoirs (hybrid or traditional), your prose poems, your cultural commentary, and your autotheory.

Academic and practical nonfiction. From journal articles to case studies, from instructional guides to cookbooks — if you are passionate about it, I am here for it.

When I'm not editing, I read a ton of books and write fiction, essays, and book reviews. I also have two cats who demand quite a lot of time and attention.

Editing Services
Copyediting, Developmental editing, Line editing
Writing Services
Other Services
Author coaching, Content review, Manuscript critique, Research, Style guide creation
Fiction Genres
Fantasy, Historical, Mystery, Romance, Science fiction
Nonfiction Genres
Academic, Autobiography and memoir, Biography, Cookbooks, Creative nonfiction, Essay
Age Levels
Young adult, New adult, Adult
Style Manuals
American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), Modern Language Association (MLA)
Adobe Acrobat Pro, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PerfectIt