I got my start in editing working on regional history books for Zenith City Press, out of Duluth, Minnesota. Over two decades later, I'm still editing their books. During that time, I also had a day job at Quarto Publishing for ten years—starting as a copyeditor, eventually becoming an acquiring editor—specializing in military and aerospace history.

Since leaving Quarto, I’ve focused on my first love as a reader: genre fiction. I've been copyediting for Simon & Schuster since 2014 (primarily Star Trek novels) and Baen Books since 2017 (primarily military sci-fi and fantasy). I'm also an editor on the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game, focusing on ensuring consistency with the canon of the shows and movies.

In addition to traditional publishers, I have many clients who are indie authors writing genre fiction novels, including sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and mystery.

As an author, I've published both traditionally and independently, primarily short stories, across several genres such as literary fiction, science fiction, mystery, urban fantasy, and horror, including three short stories and two novellas for Simon & Schuster's Star Trek line. I've also co-written two IMAX space documentaries, Space Next and Touch the Stars.

Editing Services
Copyediting, Proofreading
Writing Services
Books, Fiction, Magazine
Genre fiction including science fiction, horror, fantasy and mystery.
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word