Hi, I'm Shannon!
From the time I was an infant, my mom instilled in me a passion for reading. She read to me from the day I was born until I was old enough to read on my own at the tender age of four. Dr. Seuss, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street; these are the cultural icons that stoked my love of the written word throughout my adolescence.
As I grew older, I started to explore the world of storytelling. Eventually, it became my passion. I wanted to know everything I could about the behind-the-scenes process of what it takes to bring a story to life. Book editing is what I was put on this planet to do. After a 13-year journey in military technical documentation and a nine-month stint in Corporate America, I am now a full-time freelance developmental editor, fiction and nonfiction copyeditor, and fiction and nonfiction proofreader.
I also live with several neurodivergent diagnoses: autism, ADHD, bipolar 2, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety. I like to joke that universe gave me a cocktail of quirks and let me into the wild. I speak openly about these diagnoses as a vocal mental health advocate, to show others who might live with similar diagnoses that they are not alone, and to be bold in my authenticity.
My favorite quote is from John Milton's Paradise Lost: "Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light."