Join PEN

If you make your living with words, you need to join the Professional Editors Network! Annual dues are $55 for regular members and $30 for students and new graduates. Members who volunteer with the organization also qualify for a special rate of $40 at their next renewal. Whether you’re a longtime professional editor, writer, proofreader, or indexer or a new grad just starting your career, becoming a PEN member connects you with professionals like you and with potential clients. Join today and get connected!

Member benefits include:

  • A listing in PEN’s searchable online directory
  • Unlimited attendance at free professional development meetings, held monthly from September through May, and access to recordings and other downloads from past meetings (visit the calendar to see what’s coming up next)
  • Free or discounted registration for workshops, webinars, and other special offerings
  • A 30% discount on PerfectIt editing software
  • A subscription to Networking News, our members-only email newsletter, and access to an online archive of past issues
  • Access to a members-only email discussion list where you can reach out with questions about writing and editing, post or discover job leads, and more
  • Opportunities to network at meetings and happy hour events with other professionals who work with words
  • Access to PEN’s mentorship program (note: currently on pause as we search for a new mentorship coordinator)
  • Options to promote yourself and your business through PEN social media

Although PEN is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we have members all over. Our members-only newsletter and email discussion list keep you
connected no matter where you live, select virtual events allow you to attend from anywhere, and the recordings and documents in the members-only section of our website ensure you can benefit even if you can’t attend a meeting.

The Professional Editors Network is an independent nonprofit and has no relation to PEN America, the San Diego Professional Editors Network, or other similarly named organizations.

To join or renew your membership, select the appropriate option below. We accept payment online (PayPal) or by mail (check).

Questions? Email