Virtual Holiday Mingle 2023
Connect with your fellow members during this end-of-year season at the Professional Editors Network’s fourth annual Virtual Holiday Mingle!
Grab your beverage of choice and your favorite attire or accessory, and meet us on Zoom for this members-only social event. Kristin Noland, PEN member and host of this year’s event, will have some icebreakers planned to kick things off and give everyone a chance to introduce themselves and share what they’ve been up to this year. Let’s send 2023 packing with a bit of fun!
Registration is NOT required—we will email the meeting link to all members the day before the event, and we have more than enough room for everybody on Zoom. However, if you know you’ll be attending, we’d love for you to RSVP at the link below or on the Facebook event page (when available) so we have an idea of how many people to expect.
We hope to see you there!
This is a members-only event.
Are you interested in joining the Professional Editors Network? Our benefits include:
- A listing in our searchable online member directory
- Unlimited attendance at monthly professional development meetings
- Access to the PEN mentorship program
- A 30% discount on PerfectIt editing software
Visit pensite.org/join to learn about our rates, the other benefits we offer, and how you can register as a member today.